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http://www.jiajupaiming.com 2023-04-22 22:05 家具排名 










  当“Let the world see Chinese design”的画面出现在大屏幕上时,便迎来了台下热烈的掌声。


  As a Chinese designer, I would like to share some valuable "voices of Chinese design" with you guys in English. Although my English is not so good, hope I can make myself to be understood. 


  Milan is such a beautiful and magical place. It is the most shining pearl on the crown of global design. Every designer is eager to gain inspiration and energy to move forward from this city.  At this moment, I am standing here, my heart is beating so strong.  In the past half century, Italian design has nourished generations of Chinese designers. Now, Chinese design is gradually beginning to appear on the international design stage, feeding back the world and serving the world.


  Driven by the rise of Chinese design, my studio is now also serving customers not only from China, but also from the world. We have served many well-known global brands from but not limited to countries like: Italy, Germany, Switzerland.  With our innovative creativity with oriental philosophy, we have won the recognition of my customers, and we have started maintaining a long-term closely cooperative relationship with them.  Our goal is this: design is just a good start, we are also committed to providing sustainable value, companion service and growth all together.(我们的工作室,就是在中国设计崛起浪潮的推动下,从东方文明之国走向世界。我们服务过诸多全球知名品牌,它们来自意大利、德国、瑞士等国家,但不仅限于此。我们以带有东方哲思的开放性创新案例,深得客户的认可,保持了长期紧密的合作关系。我们的服务宗旨是,设计只是一个良好的开端,致力于为客户提供可持续的价值、陪伴式服务和成长。)

  Today, standing on this stage, I am just a sample of many Chinese designers. Behind me, there are many outstanding designers who use Chinese language, culture, and speed to convey Chinese  voice.  I believe that one day, Chinese design will appear in every place in the world like Chinese high-speed rail, Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent and other outstanding Chinese brands and companies, serving the the world with well-powered Chinese values.


  The vision of a better life for mankind needs to rely on the wisdom and efforts of global design practitioners, including China and Italy, to push each generation forward and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind!


  China is a peaceful, open, and inclusive country with great development potentials and prospects. I hope that you will visit China to develop your career, form allies, and meet new opportunities there!


  I hope to see you very soon in China!  Thanks you! Glazie(意大利语)! 




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网址: 2023米兰设计周|魏士能:让世界看见中国设计 http://www.jiajupaiming.com/newsview118354.html
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