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logon罗昂建筑作品 | 场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0

http://www.jiajupaiming.com 2021-03-10 11:00 家具排名 

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  Jazz is a lifestyle at Homeinn Plus.


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  Homeinn Group has successfully redefined a brand new travelling experience business in the 21st century of China by gradually renovated its hotel sub-brands especially in terms of quality and design, including Yitel, Homeinn Plus, Homeinn NEO and Homeinn YUNIK series. Based on the core design concept of Homeinn plus 1.5, 3.0 continues the story that how Homeinn Plus strengthens its brand identity and provides business travelers with more effective use of space. The upgrade of Homeinn series reflects the evolution of the hospitality industry.

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  Through the market and hotel industry research, logon.design retained the original brand identity by uplifting the overall brand value; upgrade the hotel in terms of material and facility. Rather than simply pushing back, the 3.0 inherits the original design elements and presents it in a more contemporary way.


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

  商旅人士仍为该系列主要目标人群,细分目标人群,如家精选更具针对性。罗昂在设计之初更从使用者行为出发对设计进行定位, 在有限空间里根据各个场景发生的可能,规划空间使其更具高效的功能性。

  Business travelers are still the main targeted clients for this edition. By categorizing targeted clients, the Homeinn Plus 3.0 is open to the niche market. At the beginning of the design, logon.design analyzed users’ behavior and considered the possible scenarios that will happen in the limited space, in order to create the efficient and functional space.


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0








  “Jazz was about the spaces between notes.

  It was about what happened

  when you listened to the thing inside you,

  the gaps and the cracks.

  Because that was where life really happened,

  when you were brave enough to freefall.”

  --Rochel Joyce, The Music Shop


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  The interior details and outdoor façades are inspired from the sign of quarter rest.  At the Homeinn Plus 3.0, people will find temporary peace in the fast-paced travel life, get inspired for a new chapter.


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  The Jazz atmosphere conveys the brand's unique artistic sense, concise and cheerful. The interior decorations give guests commercial experiencing, as if listening to jazz music and walking into an e luxury boutique.


场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  Presently, business hotels prefer to facilitate the public space with social or cultural promotion. However, in view of the restrained characteristic of oriental culture, in fact, the "big living room" design is difficult for business traveler to stay long or social.

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  The Homeinn Plus 3.0 organized different stable enclosed space and equipped with designed furniture. The space is set up with business facilities such as printing, scanning, vending machines, phone booths that can be exclusively serving one person’s working, three people’s discussion, and six people’s meetings.

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  Through renovation, process and service upgrade, the Homeinn Plus is dedicated to providing business travelers with a restful "backyard garden" feeling for modern fast-paced business travel life.

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0

场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 | Scenarized Space : Homeinn Plus 3.0


  It is noticed that the public areas of the same grade hotels may have very limited functions. 3.0 extends the function of guestrooms by facilitating the public area as co-working and business space.


  About logon


  logon.design is a contemporary German-Chinese architectural design firm which was co-founded in 2005. We are specialized to provide our clients with innovative architecture, landscape and urban planning and interior design solutions. We believe that successful design must consider site and location, city and culture, the people using it and surrounding context, as well as business mode and market trends. Our multidisciplinary team extensively researches and provides strategic analysis before tackling any project. That’s how our practice has pioneered a full package design services for various types and scales of projects. For over 15 years, we cooperated with a wide array of developers to achieve projects in different style and size. We place great importance on the viability of the business model, to create better places for people. As proof of our design excellence, logon projects have regularly won awards and been recognized in the media and industry forums and exhibitions worldwide.

  主创设计师 Chief Designer

  张书维 Wesley Zhang

  张书维在台湾出生,加拿大长大,在北美洲及亚洲的生活背景及工作经验累积下对于多元文化有了与众不同的视野及见解。15年的专业设计和工程经验,完成了约170个不同规模的酒店、商业空间、售楼处 、样板房、私宅、商业、工业空间及展示空间项目 。做为一名专业室内设计师和工程专家, 张书维对于作品的创新一直饱有极大的热情和高度的敏锐,而扎实的设计管理经验更使得他对项目的完成度有近乎完美的把控。

  Wesley was born in Taiwan and grew up in Canada, having lived and worked in both North America and Asia, the experience gave Wesley a different perspective with the term multi culture. With 15 years of professional design and construction experience under his belt; worked and completed around 170 numerous scale of developers’ sales centers / show flats, private residences, commercial / retail / industrial / exhibition and hospitality types of interior and architecture projects. Past experience of retail and exhibition projects prompted Wesley with the self-expectation to have greatest innovations in every new project, while feeding the clients with the freshest creative ideas, as well as a professional interior construction specialist, Wesley also pursues for the greatest possibility to implement the design into construction completion.


logon罗昂建筑作品 | 场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0
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网址: logon罗昂建筑作品 | 场景式空间打造:如家精选酒店3.0 http://www.jiajupaiming.com/newsview60909.html
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